Friday, March 7, 2008

Why Do Dogs Hate Lemons

4.Treffen on Mar 07, 2008

On Friday, 03/07/2008 by our 4th Meetings. The theme of the unit group is:

praying, "I think ..."

We are dealing with "the prayer" and the Apostles' Creed.

There are different forms of prayer:
- Meditation
- vocals
- Dance
free prayer - personal prayer
- prayers in the community choose

etc. We, as in the preceding hours, the form of meditation. With soft music, we hear the following text.

Here I am. I have let Zeit.Ich the room where I am, to see the Einrichtungsgegenstände.Mir wirken.Ich me realize what I hear birdsong, human voices, music, engine noise coming ... My thoughts and let gehen.Jeden thoughts I pull back. Gradually, I'll come ruhig.Mein breath and goes. With every breath I try loszulassen.Ich let go, what concerns me. I let go of what I will belastet.Allmählich it still in me. The result is a space in this Stille.Platz for God?

When I pray, I will still experienced before those Gott.Vieles I have in the past few hours and have something worked out Tagen.Ich and I am pleased darüber.Andere people were important. And there is some wrong gegangen.Andere I have called into question. I myself have any doubt about mir.All I lay before you. So as I am, I am not dir.Ich before me must be adjusted. I may be the way I see bin.Ich how something is done before you. It changes some things before dir.Wichtige be less important. Other gains Bedeutung.Ich change me. I am well ahead of you.

After several minutes of rest, reading one of us is a "pulse-prayer.

"O God, I've always wanted to talk to you, I would pray, in your own words, in the words of others, praying in a formula, reciting prayers. I wanted to accomplish something before you, for I have no patience to hear, so long, and you often need a long o, are you up in utter me, are you arrive with your Stimme.Vielleicht it is because I was so far away and I'm so caught up in my everyday life. Until he leaves room for you, it takes a long time and I do not have the patience.
O God, I lack the patience aufzutun me. But every so often you have surprised me. I was just there and did not want to talk. And I was open-it open. I was just there and you were also there, and I did nothing, absolutely nothing, I just waited. Since I learned how beautiful it is when you experience it as bist.Ich had not before, as long as I did not understand what prayer is ist.Beten not only produce many words and many Gedanken.Beten is also silent BE THERE . And prayer is to allow, loved to hear is werden.Beten and feel that you are near, O God.

We can contribute this text. In the silence fall three points.

is praying:
- Contact search
- get
connection - relationship record
And what is to pray for me?

stands on a board or part thereof of the sentence - "Pray for me is like ..." Everyone gets five small pieces of paper on which he completes the sentence beginnings. This is put on the poster. Silently, we all take note.

is praying:
- ask
thanks - hope
- Search
trust - believe
- love
be quiet - draw strength
- security and confidence
prayer is an indescribable experience.

we can pray anywhere, whether standing, kneeling or sitting. It does not matter whether it opens or folds his hands, arms aloft, crossed in front of the body, or whether they bowed to the ground. The main thing is it does devout and with conviction.

We know a lot of prayer types:
- the morning prayer
- the grace
- the evening prayer
- the invocation
- thanks, etc. Everyone knows

to other versions. We often formulate personal prayers. Three prayers we pray, but all the same:
- the "Our Father"
- The "Hail Mary"
- the "Apostles' Creed"

We pray this prayer with reason since our childhood and now they can memorize. In the Creed we sometimes come to a halt and have to look it up in praise of God - p. 20, No. 2, the 5th Prayer. There it is in abbreviated form. The Great Creed is on page 377, No. 356th This detailed form is difficult to memorize.

through formulations of creeds try the faith of Jesus in its essential content in a short or memorable form and at the same time as precisely as possible in a manner to represent, you may remember, and remember to share with other people.

the Nicene Creed
The Apostles' Creed
The religious basis of the Evangelical Alliance
Source: / Confessions

Its development was necessary, came up as a heresy and non-Christian worldviews and just recognized Christian Church Threatened . This however had to make urgent expenses and clarify misinterpretations and misunderstandings. She tried including through formulated creeds.

The Apostles' Creed is the oldest profession of Christianity, which can be traced back to the New Testament. It was in its final form, probably in the 5th Century N. BC

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended into the realm of death, on the third day he rose from the dead , ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church (Evangelical: the holy Christian church), communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and eternal life.

We read the Creed. Then, each image as it is and tries to explain this.

We are all important to show that God is the Almighty Father who loves us, is always there for us and where we find eternal life.

The statements of the Creed we have until now not been questioned, not even the conception by the Holy Spirit and the virgin birth. The commitment is not for nothing creed and not a religious statement Wissensbekenntnis.Lediglich bother us, - "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" - the institution itself and its secular representatives are not always credible to us.

As a comparison, we read the New Apostolic

first Articles of Faith: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
second Articles of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, entered the realm of the departed, risen from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come again.
third Articles of Faith: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Apostolic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.
4th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus, his church through living apostles until his return, he sent his apostles and still sends them with the mission to teach, to forgive sins in His name and with water and the Holy Spirit . baptize
5th Articles of Faith: I believe that all elected offices in the Church of Christ only by apostles and her office is entered and that the apostles of Christ must show all the gifts and powers, so that, equipped with them, the community becomes a legible letter of Christ.
6th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Holy Baptism with water is a part of the rebirth of the person being baptized and thereby acquired the reversion to receive the Holy Spirit. She is also the answer of a good conscience toward God.
7th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord's Supper in memory of the once brought eternally valid sacrifice and the bitter suffering and death of Christ is the Lord Himself. The worthy enjoyment of the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Christ Jesus our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, must be blessed by a priest of the Church and donated.
8th Articles of Faith: I believe that the need of water baptized by an apostle to obtain the child of God received the Holy Spirit, which they included as members of the body of Christ.
9th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus will come again as surely as he ascended into heaven, and the dead in Christ and the living bridal souls, who hoped for his coming and were prepared for transformed, and continues to be that after the Wedding in the sky with this comes back to earth and establish his kingdom of peace as they with him Kings and priests to rule. After completion of the kingdom of peace, he will hold the Last Judgement when all souls receive that does not have participated in the First Resurrection, their share as they have done, whether good or evil.
10th Articles of Faith: I think I'm the secular authorities obliged to obey, unless contrary to the divine laws.
Source: creeds: New Apostolic Church International

us not speak of this embodiment. It is much more detailed than the us and also known to some, not always easy to understand points, extended.

As a great contrast to both, we finally hear the freely formulated creed a 10th Secondary school class.

I believe in something I've never seen, because everyone believes in something. It has to do with the creation of the world and is now withdrawn. Perhaps I am guilty of believing him, because it also worries me. In the end we will quickly present the bill "for our actions. I think and also believe in Jesus, who advocated peace, it renounced violence and was crucified. It was well meant, had no effect on the misery of the world is nothing, because that people are to blame. I do not believe in the church with her sometimes hypocritical worshipers and their often outdated regulations. I do not believe in the church, which was only is for old people. She told me to offer as a modern man to nothing more. We have learned, which means faith, but to decide whether we wish to believe. If we want it, it does not matter what others say about us. Amen!



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