Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bleeding Gums Veneers

evening of reconciliation 26.02.2008

Tuesday, 02/26/2008 evening of reconciliation

gather the Confirmations the clock at 17.00 in the church. Pastor Kramer welcomes all and provides the two additional "confessors", a chaplain from Gescher and Father of Borken Klein-Hessling host. Both clergy to say a few words of encouragement to us.

will then present our Pastoral Assistant, Ilka Schmeing the grouping.

The first stay we now sit in the pews. The rest goes into the parish hall. There has catechesis Committee not only drinks ready for us but also games and a movie about the Ten Commandments. Anyone who wants to can cut out pictures from newspapers on peace and strife and nail it to a large wooden cross.

Time passes quickly. Our group plays almost continuously cards.

None of us are excited. When we finally turn to each of us looks out of his confessor. The Beichtgespräche run surprisingly "pleasant".

ends the evening of reconciliation at around 19.00 clock.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Letters From Penthouse Online

prayer leader at 24.02.2008

On Sunday, 24.02.2008, we will assume the post of lecturers.
We meet some of the group placements. The theme of the
Third Sunday of Lent is:

"Blessed are the peacemakers"

So far no one has put us in the Sunday service of worship.
why we are all excited a little. Thank God we get to read the texts beforehand. The generally calm!

Everything went great!
We could do more often now, on 11.o5. and 18:05:08. die6firmanden

Until then

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Scotch Dimpled Bottle

3.Treffen on 23/02/2008

"trust" is so the theme of the group session on Saturday, 23 February 2008.

The aim of the hour that we talk about the different attributes of God, and report our experience with him.

The hour begins with a meditative reflection, followed by a prayer.

somewhere inside I feel your presence,
as restlessness that drives me on, mostly.

The question that can not sleep for me.
sometimes as a small fortune.
As joy and peace in the evening by candlelight. Perhaps you've
to do with the friendship between two people.

With the little courage for the new step in the day.
With the smile of a man who means me.

God, I ask only this:
Remain in me as a restlessness that makes creative.
And as his strength, with my weakness. And as
goal in my way.

Amen. "

Before we" trust "talk, we learn through two games as the confidence" to the touch.

The first game we form a tight circle. One after another, each is in the middle, closes his eyes and can be confidently fall backwards into the arms of a company ends.

The second game will be one Firmand in a prepared blanket fall, which is held tightly on both sides of the same number of people.

The result of the confidence test is positive. Everyone feels comfortable and confident that we catch him. Quite the contrary
some fear, that it would disappoint the "falling man" because they are not able to hold him.
The games are fun and confirm to us - "We can rely on each other."

Then we read a story on the topic. It is about a tightrope walker who wants a bold move audiences in a wheelbarrow over the rope. No one familiar to him and his skill. Only a little boy logs and can be free from fear of the man pushed over the rope. When asked if he had no fear, he replied calmly,

"No, it's my father, who pushed me over the rope."

This story makes us all think.

- trust, where is it?
- Who do we trust?
- Why do we trust?

It quickly became clear that we have dealt with these issues before.

hold a poster we laid our plans to do so.

- The trust must be innate.
- Everyone has a basic trust.
- The trust is initially infinite.
- It is nurtured by loving parents and cared for. History confirms this familiar
The boy's father blindly. And who we trust?
course, our parents, friends, good friends and relatives, some pastors and teachers and also to God.

Why we really trust anyone?
- Without trust we can not survive.

- The helpless newborn is dependent on the help of parents
. They trusted in his life.

- children can not appreciate or recognize hazards.
you trust the advice and assistance of adults.
you trust them on their well-being.

- adults and can not know everything. You ask
people they trust with the execution of tasks
and work. They trust in themselves and their money.

- Trust creates trust.
- trust creates warmth and comfort.
- trust causes security.
- Confidence makes you happy!

But what if the trust is disappointed?
If I have had bad experiences?
Can I still trust it?

These questions are difficult to answer for us. We have to think twice. No one can remember a breach of trust. Probably this is due to the good home and environment.
After a big disappointment compared to the rest of us were not so trusting. Of trust can be very quickly mistrust.

question - "What happens if you can not trust anyone anymore, even
your parents?"

- "too" Then I would only fear. " before God "
-" Can faith in God help us then "
-" Can we trust God always and in every situation "

? We do not know much to say. We lack the experience, because we are still very young and certainly "well protected".

Thus we start with a new game. Here, we feel our way in the truest sense of the term approaches the various attributes of God.

lie in the middle of the table, hidden under a cloth, symbols that refer to God. Everyone feels for a part and thought about what might have to do with God.
- a flower
- a stone
- a cross
- a rosary
- a heart
- a slice of bread
- a pocket mirror
- a candle

Our interpretation of the symbols, with respect to the subject:

flower: God is the creator of the world . He has made wonderful
nature. In this beautiful environment, we should
feel comfortable.

Stein: God is like a rock in the surf. We can always
relied upon.

stones that we have the heart to be taken from us by

Cross: God is dead even for us to redeem us.
Before we pray to God, we make a cross sign.

Rosary If you have a concern, pray the rosary.
is praying the Rosary as meditate - to calm down.

heart: God is love, which never leaves us alone. God is
loyalty and God, he holds us. (Chorus of a song)
God always thinks of me.
I believe in God and I pray to God.
someone, one loves doing, one no harm.
God is always there for us.

slice of bread: in the host is God everywhere.
God strengthens not only our bodies but also our
We are children of God and he cares about us.

Pocket If we look in the mirror, we see actually
God. For he who created us in his image.
If we're anything like it, he can always understand us

candle: baptismal candle, communion candle
Jesus is the light. He will accompany us on our life to
is lit on special occasions such as
for celebration, thanksgiving, prayer and supplication. Finally, we pray

"God - how should I call you
no, not always father
sounds just as respectable
that would have been missing
My shepherd!
yes am I a sheep?
far away
pious to
to familiar

How can I call you
without that I like to take a picture
a thoroughly earthly image
usually a worn image
or tainted?
How do I get out of this obsessive idea
who followed me everywhere, that you're
an old man with a white beard? As I

up for a change every now and then call her mother? A cliché
replace that
like the
me but I can call you then have to call nor
to you?
GO ...?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Starchoice Motorola Remotes

conversation with Pastor Kramer on 19/02/2008

On Tuesday, we meet with Pastor Kramer 02/19/2008 in the parish hall for an interview. First, he introduces himself and tells us about his life.

Then he talks about the confirmation.

is Confirmation:

a belated, voluntary "Yes" to the baptism

one of seven sacraments

  • baptism
  • confession
  • Eucharist
  • marriage
  • ordination
  • Anointing

The character of Confirmation are:

- the laying on of hands
- the anointing with chrism and
- to seal

The bishop us firmt by giving us a hand hangs . He will say that we belong to Christ.

He anoints us with chrism, which means

- our lives should be characterized
Christian - we are strengthened by the Spirit of God
- we are with the dignity of a child of God won.

By sealing the covenant between God and us, which began in Baptism, in Confirmation confirmed.

requirements for Confirmation are:

- baptism
- the free decision
- the religious maturity (age 14)

Recommended is confession before confirmation to .

this, we invite Pastor Kramer quite cordial. "The evening of reconciliation" will be held on Tuesday, 2/26/2008 from 17:00 until 19.00 clock clock instead. We will then receive suggestions about our lives to reflect our relationships with people and to God and on the subject of guilt and forgiveness. "

to confession we have three priests available. You all are free.

But - Pastor Kramer would like a personal rejection that is a conversation should follow the "four eyes".

Finally, he asked us to ask for active participation test!