Tuesday, 02/26/2008 evening of reconciliation
gather the Confirmations the clock at 17.00 in the church. Pastor Kramer welcomes all and provides the two additional "confessors", a chaplain from Gescher and Father of Borken Klein-Hessling host. Both clergy to say a few words of encouragement to us.
will then present our Pastoral Assistant, Ilka Schmeing the grouping.
The first stay we now sit in the pews. The rest goes into the parish hall. There has catechesis Committee not only drinks ready for us but also games and a movie about the Ten Commandments. Anyone who wants to can cut out pictures from newspapers on peace and strife and nail it to a large wooden cross.
Time passes quickly. Our group plays almost continuously cards.
None of us are excited. When we finally turn to each of us looks out of his confessor. The Beichtgespräche run surprisingly "pleasant".
ends the evening of reconciliation at around 19.00 clock.
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