early shift on March 1, 2008 8:00 clock
The morning shift has been prepared by some of Confirmations. It takes place in the church and ends with a good breakfast in the parish hall. The word worship is well attended. More than half Confirmations of all made their way to the early church, and - will not be disappointed!
The theme is - desert -
before the altar of sand a desert landscape is designed, framed of burning candles. In the foreground is in a bowl the "Rose of Jericho".
After Pastor Kramer has welcomed all, begins the "dream trip" to the desert. Back from the trip taken, we start with the action. Every now writes a word with an adhesive s
a special desert on a sheet of paper, puts it in the desert landscape and submit it to the edge. Quiet guitar music and stunning desert images accompany the action. We are all very quiet and thoughtful.
tuned so we also follow the rest of the morning shift.
Below are listed the lyrics and songs.
song: Search No. 244 and ask 1 +3
Sign of the Cross: Today, we have m
Orgen met here in the church
priest to start this day with God's power and help.
Let us therefore sign of the cross, the
distinctive mark of Christians. For the
father ...
dream trip:
This morning we make another trip of a lifetime,
a trip to the desert.
We close our eyes
and try to be very still.
In our desert silence.
The desert is wide and big.
It is lonely.
Everywhere is just sand:
Do you feel the sand as he is around you.
Often the wind is driving up the sand, before him,
it piles up into hills.
Like the waves in the sea, so the sand.
who fall in a sand
only an arduous walking is possible.
The wind blows one of the sand in the face.
You need to squint your eyes.
Even between the teeth of the sand crunching already.
Do you feel this ...?
the wind howls and tears at the head covering.
The sky above is cloudless
and the sun burns from the sky.
It is very hot.
The skin seems to burn.
brewing, debilitating heat, drought.
thirst shows.
Chapped, dry lips.
Now a sip of water that would be good.
Like mirages we see pictures from our
important events in our lives,
which appear to us as "wilderness experience".
What is "desert" in my life - what is / where my
large, seemingly insurmountable problems?
dispute in the family?
boredom, monotony?
failure, poor grades in school?
Broken friendships?
Slowly we come back in this space and
us look at the here-designed desert.
song: through the darkness through No. 54 1-3
or one has infected us ... No. 60 1 +5
Gospel Lk 4, 1-8
The Desert - survive a place where it's hard.
the desert - a place where everything requires water to survive
we hear about Jesus. As he writes in the desert on the
sample was found.
In Luke's Gospel states:
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus went away from Jordan.
forty days he was driven about by the Spirit into the desert
and the devil put to the test.
The whole time he ate nothing, so he
was hungry after all. Then the devil said to him:
"If you are the Son of God, then enjoin the stone
! Here that he is to bread "Jesus answered
" is in the scriptures: `Man does not live
by bread '!". Then the devil took him up and
showed him at a glance all the kingdoms of the world and
said: "I will give you power over all these kingdoms in
their size and splendor. It has been entrusted to me
, and I can pass it, to whom I want. .
All shall be yours when you fall down in front of me
and worship me "
But Jesus said," In the Scriptures we read:
`The Lord, thy God, throw you down, it shall
worship you and nobody else `"
song: One day a ... No. 61 1 +2 +6
intercessions: The desert is a metaphor for our lives.
For each there is a other desert.
We are looking for our desert is not enough.
Sometimes the desert around us, if we are excluded. Sometimes it is in us if we do not come to rest. We now want to bring our desert situations before God to help us in life.
Lord, help the lonely out of their desert. Help the sick to come
from the desert of pain.
Help those who have to struggle through a lot to do in the desert oases saving and necessary to create.
Lord, let the lonely souls again.
be because in the desert they just lonely and retreat to more and more. Give them a chance, even as we feel love and to feel secure.
Good God in the world there are a lot of strife and war. We ask you to help us settle the disputes and wars and establish peace.
Everyone has their own wilderness, and each has its own weaknesses and problems. Most people who are not so clear to overcome them and to face life. Help them to see their desert oasis and give them hope and strength.
Let us now together all our petitions in the prayer that Jesus taught us. Our Father ...
Text: If I am hungry, I eat.
If it is quiet, I make noise.
When it gets loud, I fly. I
to swim with everyone.
I have everything and yet nothing
Who am I when I'm like everybody?
Have I me?
love for me?
Do I want what I am day in, day out doing really doing?
Or I do it because it all make?
If it were not that
make up me, myself
to have to live
the way I want it to do
that to which I have a mind
and not what all desire?
So what if nobody is there to show me the way?
No one tells me what to do.
When I'm alone?
What should I do?
During Lent -
swim against the current 40 days only?
I start thinking -
about my life,
about everything I do.
Perhaps I find myself,
myself in the desert,
not the image
the mask that I sit up day in, day out.
No, my own ego.
The desert is not just sand, but we find if we know
us there, oases. So we can also come out of a strengthened
desert experience. We now hear a story that will give us
even a small note on the topic of the next
morning shift, which we invite all very much.
story: was once an oasis by a sinister man, he was so angry that he could not look healthy and beautiful, without destroying it.
stood on the edge of the oasis, a young palm tree in the best growth. The did not like the man. So he took a heavy stone and put it to the young palm tree in the crown. With an evil laugh, the man went away.
The young palm tree shook and tried to throw the stone. In vain. Was stuck to the stone. As the young tree dug deeper into the ground and braced himself against the stone burden. He lowered his roots so deep that they reached the hidden veins of water of the oasis and pushed the stone is so high that the Crown, extend beyond any shadow.
water into the depth and height of the sun made a powerful palm from the young tree.
After years of angry man came again in order to enjoy the crippled tree he destroyed believed. He found him not. As the most powerful Palm
lowered her crown and showed the stone and said: "I must thank you, your burden has made me strong." (Source unknown)
blessing Lord our God, our life often resembles a desert.
We all live in different deserts.
Often we have to admit that we have done many deserts themselves.
In us there are limits, fears, compulsions and guilt. The sand in the gears and the stones on the road of life often prevent us to orient ourselves for you
Bless us and all people who are important to us and let it be a beautiful day. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son ...
song: Sometimes we celebrate the middle of the day ... No 374 1,3,4
At the end of the morning shift, we can observe with amazement how
begins to recover the dried Rose of Jericho and
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