Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When Should Your Cervix Be High

Youth Stations of the Cross-Haniel stockpile Bottrop

On Tuesday, March 8 a 200 8, the company go to the ends of pile Haniel Bottrop.Hier after we walk the Stations of the Cross.


Halde Haniel lures in cultural arena and pilgrim path

on a former mining heap of coal mining is
126 meters in height of one of the most exciting venues for cultural events were
: An amphitheater, the 800 visitors
seats. In this venue, in recent years, hosts major theatrical performances - Including the play Everyman (1999),

Midsummer Night's Dream (2001), The Threepenny Opera (2002), Cabaret (2003).
The ideas came across very well received and were both sold out.

also unique in its style and presentation a crossroads is on the heap. The cross was erected in 1992 and now 15 stations to the summit.

was realized in the idea of cooperation in which a representative of the lead mines of the coal mine Prosper-Haniel mine workers, congregations and associations were involved. The Stations of the Cross were made with copper plates on the reed pen drawings of the nun are etched Tisa von der Schulenburg. One element of the work of mining at each station supplements this representation.

Bishop Hubert Luthe dedicated the crossroads Good Friday 1995.

Who's the Way of the Cross ... ...
going to be for all people whose rights and dignity

goes ... to God who made us human dignity gives;
... is justly and with dignity to his own humanity
to the bottom!

The Way of the Cross takes something other than an hour. The weather plays along. The sun comes from and through the clouds and the rain holds back up to exit.
The heap is an ideal place for the Cross - remote location, sparsely covered, but with a beautiful views of Bottrop.

Silently we walk this journey of faith.

alternately take two of us the cross.

All stations say the Antiphon.

We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ, and bless you.
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

The following is a contemplative prayer text that ends with an invitation to reflect on a particular issue or quietly sharing it.

"Do not show the finger at others."
- When we were wrongly accused and others have accused

- Where are our lives stumbling blocks?
- Where we put other obstacles in the way?

"alarm clock"
- Where do we need in our lives a alarm clock?
dream or sleep Where we are?
Where should "wake up" God save us?

"be quiet"
- When we have time calm down - we find self-
to find God?

"pray in peace"
Where and when can I pray in peace?

"dignity of man"
- When will they start?
- When will it end?

Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood "

" nail "
- We keep a large nail in the hand (18 cm long, 6 mm
diameter) and we try to ease the excruciating pain
imagine that Jesus had to endure. What must be his love
to us?

texts on the tablets of the stops

I. Station: Pilate washes his hands

The Church in its preaching and in its operation under all conditions for the dignity, the right and the freedom of the people enter.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 4 October 1981)

Second Station: Jesus takes Cross on his shoulders

(The panel
is scratched and unreadable.)

III. station First case

unemployment almost always hurt the dignity of the one they take
and threatens his life off balance:
/ World Catechism, 1992)

Station IV: Jesus meets his mother
The vitality of the Ruhr area is the solidarity ... .
When all the required objectivity must always respect for the inviolable
Dignity of man be determinative
not only the individual workers but also their families, not only the people of today but of future generations.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)

V. Station: Simon of Cyrene

solidarity - that is for the people not the Ruhr foreign word! Responsibility for each other and responsibility before God is definitely still lived and proven reality.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)

VI: Station: Veronica holds the cloth
We do not have to do the extraordinary, but we need to do the ordinary extraordinary.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 1983)

Station VII: Second case
involuntary unemployment becomes a social scandal when the available work not shared equitably and the result of work not used to this, to create new work for most everyone.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)

Eighth Station: Mourning Women
(The table is painted over with white paint)

IX.. Station: Third case
technical progress and restructuring should not be done on the backs of the people.
is not man for the economy because the economy is there for people.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 1987)

X. Station: robbery of clothes

Man is worth more because of what he is than by what he has.
(Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, 1965 - The church - in the world today

XI Station. Nailing
Our faith is strong, the hope great and hopefully the love so burning hot that it can move mountains
(Gottfried Könzgen, working secretary, victims of the Nazis)

XII station.. crucifixion
Who looks up to the cross, in his suffering, in his need, not alone in his fears. Who looks up to this cross may go with his cross to the one who got to know even the cross of life, supported and has endured.
(Bishop Hubert Luthe, in the construction of the Cross 1992)

XIII. Station: Lamentation
The only thing I can do in my life for my family, nor is the loyalty in the daily things
(a mother in our time)

XIV Station: Entombment
By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered
we confidently expect, come what may.
God is with us in the evening and the morning

and certainly with each new day.
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian evgl., victims of the Nazis)

By the cross we walk the path together. From there it is free to go to the last two stations "with Jesus" or not. We are all deeply impressed more - until the end

After a break of fifteen minutes we make our way back. The big rain is short after leaving one.


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