The second morning shift was prepared by the same group.
on the topic Desert follows-the-water issue.
before the altar, a river landscape is built, surrounded by bowls of water. Before head are two pictures of underwater landscapes. Impressive to see the "Rose of Jericho" is. Nestled in a sandy landscape, she has awakened to new life. After a week in water has been located, from the withered plant a "succulent" plant, which runs from the inside green. The water has accomplished a small miracle.

The morning shift is very busy. There are no little Confirmations. The group has made a lot of effort to bring us close to the subject. Everyone gets a cup filled with water. So we can see and feel it and taste it. Even we can hear the water. A softly plucked guitar playing gives the impression of a babbling brook. We light candles at the Jesus candle and put it in the bowl. Everyone is very quiet and andächtig.Zum final the girl group sings the song "Lemon Tree". Great!
The texts and songs of the early shift
song: Where two or three in my name ...
water essential to life some refreshing signs of life - important
- tonic - cooling priceless.
Sign of the Cross:
Today we have taken here this morning to finish the day under God's protection. It invites us to leave the desert of our lives and make us looking for the fountain of living water. Let's start the morning shift so in the name of the Father ...
meditation: water, water - symbol of life
A lake, the ocean, a pond, a river, a fountain, a source water
we encounter daily. Animals, plants and humans need it. Close your eyes now. Imagine you are on a meadow. There we see a clear stream as it winds through the meadow. The sun is already burning all day from the sky. It is scalding hot. It feels good, now take off your shoes and walk with their feet by the stream. It is refreshing to feel the water. Our hands want to touch the water. Somewhere there is a source that gives us the precious liquid. So refreshed, I am going on the lawn and thinking about water by: water causes that life germinates, the desert blooms, the disease heals. Purified water quenches the thirst that drives the turbines at the power plants. Yes, our body is composed mostly of water. Water is one of the most important resources of the earth. First, God created the water. It is life-giving element. Water comes from the earth and often an invisible source. Jesus Christ will also be as a refreshing, invigorating source for us. In baptism we have become the water of life Christians. We open our eyes and come here again. We look to the established landscape before us.
action: drinking water
We invite you now to moisten your lips with the water. Feel how good it feels to feel the fresh water on our lips. Now we take a small sip and play with it in our mouth. Here too, the water feels good. The next sip, we can now walk down our esophagus and look forward to how well does such a drink of water. It gives us new strength and keeps us alive. We now hear a story that tells what water could.
story: bring life
Every day the women go down to the river from the village. In large earthenware jars, they fetch water, because the village has no source. One morning a woman looks dreamily behind a butterfly. She stumbles and the pitcher will be damaged. A second pitcher she has not, no money for a new, and they wrapped the jar with their makeshift cloth. But the water drips out of the break. When she arrives in the village, half of the water is gone. "Oh," she laments, "what a misfortune! Why I was just so careless! All others bring more water to go home! My mother is right. I'm really good for nothing "This went on for a while. Whenever the women fetched water, they got half way. But one morning when the women go back to the river, the road flanked by green grass and lots of small colorful flowers that glow in all colors. Since women are laughing and saying: "These were the Water droplets. They took the dusty road to bloom "(author unknown)
song. When you sing, not sing alone ...
In the Gospel according to John we read ...
once said Jesus, and he says it now to us, "Whoever drinks the water of a fountain will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I shall give him will never have more thirst. . Rather, the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life, "said the woman at the well, had spoken to Jesus," Lord, then give me this water so that I may not be thirsty longer have it. " Jn 4, 13-15a
To speak we, "Lord, give us your living water!" Since the baptism it flows into us. Jesus would like it always flows from our inner well.
text: Source
God experience God at the well of my life as the one who looks after me in the deserts of my life.
experience God as the source of living water, which gives me a new future.
experience God as the one who captures the chaos flooding out of my life that leads me from all confusion to clarity and force by the power of his mind.
experience God as a fountain of me that knows the number of water from which I only seem to quench my thirst.
God's Spirit within us is the source. The way is clear to this fountain of life. He has over me. He saves me from dying of thirst because he wants me to live.
Action: light candles
We will now all be quiet for a moment and think about where and for whom we can now become a source of living water.
at the Jesus candle we want to ignite our candles and light up to the river, which is illustrated here. If we bring our lives to God. Let people and situations from our life here with him from. It may all change a spring. We want to do all in silence and think of the people for whom we pray.
song: Falls into the water a stone ...
Good God, give all the people who have given up the courage long ago, new hope for life. Open their eyes so they can search for the source in their lives that gives them new strength.
Most people who have problems to solve them. Help the patient to overcome her illness and give them courage.
Good God, please grant that will find all the people who are disabled, their water source and generate a new hope.
Lord, please help those who are disturbed and no longer see himself, to cleanse their soul and see its interior clearly.
Good God, let the people who have not yet found the source, they are not blind to the world of running, looking after her.
Lord, many people are looking for a fertile source for life: wealth, prestige, possessions, recognition, prosperity, ... In the material world but we will not find the treasure. Anyone who has seen the will witness an eternal life. You also let those who are blind to their personal, inner source, discover this. (Author: Confirmations)
Our Father
song: The case of Jesus needs enthusiasts
text: The parable of the water
serve with water at a time.
Lord, I want to be like Water that moves in the rivers flowing through the forest, the fields fertilized, all life brings.
Lord, I want to be like the water that washes away all dirt and every person is a new hope, salvation and resurrection investigated.
Lord, I want to be like the water with the many boats, with the people and their loads in order to facilitate the journey through life.
Lord, I want to be like the water that brings together our families, united the hearts of men, that we share joy and sorrow.
Lord, I want to be like the water that follows the direction that God directed us to fulfill the contract in the world: to help people more human to be.
Lord, I want to be like the water that is connected to all the seas and teaches us to accept all people as brothers and sisters, as a child of the same father. Amen.
blessing: May the
water you drink, remember, that your soul is thirsty. God's grace falls like a drop down on you fulfill, Jesus's grace be upon you, the grace of the Holy Spirit up every day and every night, on your life to the eternal goal. (Irish blessing)
The grant you the triune God, the Father ...
song CD + girl group sing the song: Lemon tree ...

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