# 9 # Rajastan
I'm somewhere else than before. Chennai has been described by my guidebook as follows: "... the flip side of rapid economic growth is an urban infrastructure that is about to collapse. Poverty, oppressive heat and pollution probably leave a stronger impression Chennai as the eye-catching riches of his modern, marble shopping malls. "
And frankly I can think of only negative characteristics when I describe Chennai. But I still liked it. It was another home in the wide world.
Well, I went elsewhere - to travel through fairytale Rajastan. This charismatic old man in a turban to make music on strange, creative wind instruments and percussion. Here, colorful rows of houses infinitely far up the slopes. Half Jodhpur is indigo-blue. Because it cools and distributes insects. In Udaipur, the palace is situated in the lake. He swims in appearance. I experience a fairy tale of 1001 night. Since the time just is scarce, I will speak only pictures. The Pi Patel has also hidden this time on his driving Floss (hotel room) and is therefore not to speak at this time. The place is at the window with the curtain of the description of the curtain from a previous post very similar, right?
link my tour in Rajasthan:
http://maps.google.co.in/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=NH+8&daddr=Jodhpur, + + to Rajasthan: Jaisalmer & ; FV7UdgEdpHpkBA geocode =% 3B% 3BFYoGkQEduz5aBA & hl = en & mra = ls & sll = 26.480407,72.883301 & sspn = 4.748461,7.064209 & ie = UTF8 & ll = 25.948166,71.905518 & spn = 4.770208,7.064209 & z = 7)
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