I'm somewhere else than before. Chennai has been described by my guidebook as follows: "... the flip side of rapid economic growth is an urban infrastructure that is about to collapse. Poverty, oppressive heat and pollution probably leave a stronger impression Chennai as the eye-catching riches of his modern, marble
And frankly I can think of only negative characteristics when I describe Chennai. But I still liked it. It was another home in the wide world.
Well, I went elsewhere - to travel through fairytale Rajastan. This charismatic old man in a turban to make music on strange, creative wind instruments and percussion. Here, colorful rows of houses infinitely far up the slopes. Half Jodhpur is indigo-blue. Because it cools and distributes insects. In Udaipur, the palace is situated in the lake. He swims in appearance. I experience a fairy tale of 1001 night. Since the time just is scarce, I will speak only pictures. The Pi Patel has also hidden this time on his driving Floss (hotel room) and is therefore not to speak at this time.
http://maps.google.co.in/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=NH+8&daddr=Jodhpur, + + to Rajasthan: Jaisalmer & ; FV7UdgEdpHpkBA geocode =% 3B% 3BFYoGkQEduz5aBA & hl = en & mra = ls & sll = 26.480407,72.883301 & sspn = 4.748461,7.064209 & ie = UTF8 & ll = 25.948166,71.905518 & spn = 4.770208,7.064209 & z = 7)
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