The three wise men (the great religions) were staring at each other incredulously, with bated breath.
All eyes were on me.
"Piscine" asked the imam earnestly, "is that really true? Hindu s and Christians are idolaters. They have many gods.
" And Muslims have many wives, "countered the Pandit.
The view The priest walked from one to another. "Piscine", he almost whispered, "only Jesus can save your soul."
"stupid talk" said the pundit him a N. "Christians wis sen nothing of religion ."
"si are already long ago from the path of God cooled Ommen," he agreed with the imam.
"Where is God in your religion?" snorted the priest. "I know you not a single miracle which proves that God exists at all. What's that for a faith in which it is no wonder you have?"
"It is just not a circus, jumping in which the dead from their graves! Us Muslims is the miracle of Life is good enough. A bird in the air, a drop of rain, the ears of the field-these are our miracle. "
" Nothing against rain and poultry, but we want to know if God is with us. "![]()
"Really? Well, God has seen what he had it when he was with you - you wanted to kill him! With thick nails you have beaten him to the cross. Treated a decent people so his prophets? U.S. has the Pr ophet Mohammed - peace be upon him -. Oh, the word of God brought ne s miserable nonsense, and he died as an old man "
" As disclosed whether the word of God a Jäm merchant in the desert would! Epileptic seizures he has had, from the swaying of the camel : this has nothing to do G ott. Or a sun-stroke was. "
(continued from page 122)
Who's Zoo? I with the earthy Traveller Gorge Otten, worn-and doubly repaired leather sandals, a camera bag over his shoulder and a red headscarf, the many Indians as a disguised turban may seem. Or is it the people I see from rickshaw and train, busy with everyday tasks sell or just take time.
I kept focusing through the lens of people and they will have to objects. But then because all the Indians - in some cases with his mouth open - rigid and thus track for several minutes my actions. When I talk with other Westerners, they listen. So who is watching whom? Who will be displayed and presented?
The worlds blur. The private location is uncertain. Who sits in the cage. The feeling of watching and being watched is omnipresent. There is a boundary, a wall, a fence between us. Whether you are indoors or out, or maybe it's both.
"Bapu Gandhi said that all religions are true," I babbled (Pi) release. "I want to love only God." I looked down and was red in the face.
These are two good examples from which I learned even more. I'm still not tired. The decision here and there to a "major commercial" to give another celebrity and allow for time for spontaneity is removed I think the way to the cage.
Tomorrow morning there will definitely be back in the cage - the Taj Mahal in Agra (South of Delhi). On the information board will focus on:... "A pack of habitual Homo touristo Full day active drink plenty of water and Coke always cooled from the bottle Enjoy it to use his camera, it produces endless digital garbage Please do not constantly ask for his background or his name, because otherwise.. eventually irritated. "
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