Not long, and well-being turned on. My mouth was again wet and soft. I could feel my neck any more. My skin is relaxed. My joints moving again with ease. My heart was in a happy rhythm, and the blood circulating in my veins like the cars of a wedding party, draw the honking of the city. The muscles felt again of strong and supple. The head was clearer. I was a dead man who awoke weider to life. It was a wunderba, wonderful feeling. Those who become intoxicated on alcohol should be ashamed, but the water intoxication is the most beautiful of all ecstasies. For several minutes sitting I just there and enjoyed this happiness.
camping means "go out to eat and sleep." My last camping trip was with Ellen over Holland, and inside I took one or the other comparison.
- time: camping in the desert. The Thar desert lies on the border between India and Pakistan, consisting essentially of stone, brushwood and scattered sand dunes.
- locomotion smittel: camels in the step-trot and pace.
- Travel Group: My camel Lalu me all the path taken. By my side and with a distance Kamelhalslaenge two Chinese (Jaoli and Mangjie) and Japanese (Ken), I, Jodhpur - got to know - one day before.
The Chinese would be easily frightened and took me soooo brave (partly because I wanted to lead the camel, not by a guide). The Japanese Ken was very reserved and commented on many a monotone Hehehe-pool that I know of only Japanese. These include our two Indian Kamelfuehrer Thalib and Ali. They have been living since her birth 14 or 20 years in the desert.
- food: saturated will always be at the camp of "a flame". In Holland you are cooking as a bicycle tourist with in 80 KM the legs on a Bunsen burner pasta with tomato sauce - with or without cheese. In India, known as Travelltourist after 3 hours of step camel in the butt chapati (wheat bread) and potato-onion masala of a flame of parched wood. A key difference: It will be cooked. Yes, that's true and my camping honor came shortly shaken. Finally, you go camping but to feel that they can survive outside. You want to feel the very own hunting and gathering instinct again. The draw on resources - such as supermarkets - you can let it go with a zugedrueckten eye. Basically: Outside it tastes best anyway.
- drinks: about 38 degree warm water.
- Miscellaneous: From time to smoke a beedi (with a little tobacco Stuffed Tendublatt). A beedi is actually a "poor man's cigarette". If I have smoked a beedi in a break with the playgrounds in the slums, so I smiled at the children and young people. Why? A Westerner, who is rich, smokes, smoking the herb, the poor and elderly and Rajastani musician. Here we can see that humor is nothing but the divergence of performance (rich Westerners) and reality (smoking leaves).
- feature: In Holland heard a certain basic humidity of the clothes for camping. In the Thar desert, this is a minimum sand content in the chapattis.
- flow: When camping you behave really useful free. You move in a delayed rate (a train or jeep would be much faster) from A to B in order to "survive" under eingeschreanktem comfort. Actually standards they set themselves obstacles. In between, you babbles about this and that, but most of it about the way that you just committed. "This time, said the modern G4 group (Indian, Chinese, Japanese, German) over desert, camels, food, and sky have my travel book expands I to a dictionary of world languages. Broken English, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, and - well - ! German
- nature and landscape: Slowly we come to what really constitutes the camp, the target. Unity with nature. Man adjusts his pace to the sun, moving through the countryside and live with nature. Mother Earth shows his gratitude for all the respect towards her and gives us a wonderful night sky in the middle of the desert. The moon watches over us imperiously. The body is first remain uncertain in the "new" environment. He
while required to be city-man behavior to store. Therefore, initially one hears nothing when you're outside. No noise, no engines, no calling people. But then something happens and the "supposed silence" is a concert of noises that a previously hidden behind: The sand, which flows over the dunes, while the separately occurring Shrubs strokes. The creaking of an old tree at the bottom of the sand-dune. Somewhere far away a cowbell. And then your breath. For several minutes I just sat there and enjoyed this happiness.
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