Saturday, April 5, 2008

Best Anymous Browser Mac

5th Meeting on o5. April 2008

Our 5th Take place on Saturday, the 05th April 2008 instead. The topic of the hour is the Holy Spirit / Confirmation.

Today we deal with the first goal of the group unit:

"Holy Spirit"

We first heard the initial prayer.

Good God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ into this world to save us. And have you sent your Holy Spirit in this world that gives us power in our life .. Give us the courage for us this force to open. Let us know what you want God to tell us and what we can make of our lives. We ask you today and every day of our lives. Amen.

Then we read a text in which we seek answers to the questions below and see.

first Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is the third person of the Triune God (God - Father,
God the Son and God - Holy - Spirit).

When asked why God is a trinity, came the following consideration:
The Trinity is necessary because ...
- Through baptism we become children of God, God is our father.
- In the Communion we receive God's Son as the bread and wine.
This is only possible because God has let his son become man, so that
can redeem us.
- The Confirmation of God's Holy Spirit comes on the Confirmations

second Is there evidence for its existence?
Many scriptures point to the existence of the Holy Spirit.

For example:
- Mary conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1.18 +20, Lk 1:35).
- The Holy Spirit comes down on Jesus at his baptism (Mark 1:10).
- The farewell discourse of Jesus in John's Gospel (Jn 13.31-16).
- The mission and baptize (Matthew 28:19).
- The Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13).
- The life of Christians in the Spirit (Romans 8).
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12, Cor 12).
- Love as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.13 to 26).

In Genesis we read that the Spirit of God was hovering over
the waters.

third As the Holy Spirit is represented?
- as an invisible wind (John 3:8)
- as running water, spring water (Jn 7.3 f, off 22:17)
- as a fire (Pentecost)
- as an ointment (Luke 4:18)
- as Dove (baptism of Jesus)

4th What does the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit, also called the Spirit of God comes in
confirmation to the company ends down. It is an aid to faith for young
people on the path of growing up and Self-
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to give them orientation
in the search for meaning and the development of personality - self-awareness and strength

The " 7 gifts" are mentioned in the song "Holy Ghost, O my Comforter."
wisdom - understanding
- Council of the Holy Spirit
- fortitude
- sacred science - truth
- piety
- the fear of God

5th How does it work?
In modern terms we find provoking text for possible
modes of action of the Holy Spirit.

"I believe in my inherent power to accompany me for a lifetime. This force is the support that keeps me from collapsing when I am weak;
the compass , which brings me back on the right track when I lost it;
the parachute , me time before impact intercepts, if I fall;
the Motor that drives me to take the pitch if I stop already at the halfway point;
the power bar , which gives me all the important nutrients in which it I am lacking;
the mask that makes me look to the bottom when the water surface too much reflected;
the foundation that gives me support if I a storm withstand,
the trekking shoe , me swaying bridges can cross safely when I'm dizzy;
the mirror showing me again and again my quirks, if I do not want to believe "
(GM Krause)

Some examples. drop us a still,
- tow bar, to which we can depend on us when we are powerless
or without direction.
- glasses so that we have on our life the right view

_ safety to us nothing and no one from the web cast
- pacemaker , that the love of God and our faith in him should not
- plane that brings us back up when we deeply
are down.
- health, for only in a healthy body can "live" healthy

We can also ask the Holy Spirit to assist us. Our task is to write him an e-mail with our concerns.

Some examples:
- Dear Holy Spirit join me in my life.
- Dear Holy Spirit, I hope I do not disturb. Please come and
accompany my group through the preparation time. We lack
often the right knowledge. We also have difficulty concentrating on
Firm during the preparation. Please help me and the other
- Holy Spirit, please help, I want my parents always say everything
likes and can.
- Dear Holy Spirit, sometimes we have problems at home, in the
school and friends. Please stand with us to overcome them.
Thanks in advance and best regards.
- Hi hl. Mind, how are you? I'm fine, although the weather
is persistent bad. I do not have real problems. But hope
your help, if I ever need that!
- Holy Spirit, help me, that I am not a good relationship with my parents and siblings

The hour ends with the "Apostles' Creed."

Short Note: The topic is indeed the first time directly to do with the confirmation, but it is incredibly dry and ...! For the first time we are all glad that the hour is over!


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