On Thursday, from 14.00 to about 18.00 clock clock the Firm Band performs in the parish hall.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
16/38.5-15 Boggers For Sale
Saturday, March 22, 2008
O.g Mudbone Biography
begins today at 20.00 clock to celebrate the Easter Vigil, very moving and solemn.
celebrate after the consecration of the Easter fire and the Paschal candle and after we Tauferneuerung the resurrection service.
On Easter Sunday, 24/03/2008 to 19.00 clock, the whole community invited to the Easter fire. The Easter fire is located between Büningsweg and Holt Road. With the wet weather, it can be difficult to ignite.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Can U Get Pregnant By Slime
at 11:00 clock instead of the Cross. At 15.00
clock we hear the liturgy "From the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ," composed of the church choir at our church.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spot On End Of Tongue
On Thursday, 20.03.2008, is the whole community invited to the Lord's Supper in the church. After the evening show - with washing of feet - The worship is held. For us Confirmations will parallel a "Sacred Night" held in the parish hall.
First, there is a small refreshment.
Then we hear the text of Manfred Siebald "last words".
could What are our last words? Thoughts on this, as on 'death and resurrection, we should incorporate in our actions:
- painting pictures wedge
Easter candles
- wooden crosses crafts
- metal plates with Hammer and nail edit
- a man-high wooden cross customize and install the metal plates
At 2300 clock ends the creative part. From 23.00 bis 23.30 Clock Clock We hold worship in the church. The large cross is put on the altar steps.
After the final blessing, we make ourselves in the pouring rain and wind on the way home orkanartigem.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
When Should Your Cervix Be High
On Tuesday, March 8 a 200 8, the company go to the ends of pile Haniel Bottrop.Hier after we walk the Stations of the Cross.
Halde Haniel lures in cultural arena and pilgrim path
on a former mining heap of coal mining is
126 meters in height of one of the most exciting venues for cultural events were
: An amphitheater, the 800 visitors
seats. In this venue, in recent years, hosts major theatrical performances - Including the play Everyman (1999),
Midsummer Night's Dream (2001), The Threepenny Opera (2002), Cabaret (2003).
The ideas came across very well received and were both sold out.
also unique in its style and presentation a crossroads is on the heap. The cross was erected in 1992 and now 15 stations to the summit.
was realized in the idea of cooperation in which a representative of the lead mines of the coal mine Prosper-Haniel mine workers, congregations and associations were involved. The Stations of the Cross were made with copper plates on the reed pen drawings of the nun are etched Tisa von der Schulenburg. One element of the work of mining at each station supplements this representation.
Bishop Hubert Luthe dedicated the crossroads Good Friday 1995.
Who's the Way of the Cross ... ...
going to be for all people whose rights and dignity
goes ... to God who made us human dignity gives;
... is justly and with dignity to his own humanity
to the bottom!
The Way of the Cross takes something other than an hour. The weather plays along. The sun comes from and through the clouds and the rain holds back up to exit.
The heap is an ideal place for the Cross - remote location, sparsely covered, but with a beautiful views of Bottrop.
Silently we walk this journey of faith.
alternately take two of us the cross.
All stations say the Antiphon.
We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ, and bless you.
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
The following is a contemplative prayer text that ends with an invitation to reflect on a particular issue or quietly sharing it.
"Do not show the finger at others."
- When we were wrongly accused and others have accused
- Where are our lives stumbling blocks?
- Where we put other obstacles in the way?
"alarm clock"
- Where do we need in our lives a alarm clock?
dream or sleep Where we are?
Where should "wake up" God save us?
"be quiet"
- When we have time calm down - we find self-
to find God?
"pray in peace"
Where and when can I pray in peace?
"dignity of man"
- When will they start?
- When will it end?
Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood "
" nail "
- We keep a large nail in the hand (18 cm long, 6 mm
diameter) and we try to ease the excruciating pain
imagine that Jesus had to endure. What must be his love
to us?
texts on the tablets of the stops
I. Station: Pilate washes his hands
The Church in its preaching and in its operation under all conditions for the dignity, the right and the freedom of the people enter.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 4 October 1981)
Second Station: Jesus takes Cross on his shoulders
(The panel is scratched and unreadable.)
III. station First case
unemployment almost always hurt the dignity of the one they take
and threatens his life off balance:
/ World Catechism, 1992)
Station IV: Jesus meets his mother
The vitality of the Ruhr area is the solidarity ... .
When all the required objectivity must always respect for the inviolable
Dignity of man be determinative
not only the individual workers but also their families, not only the people of today but of future generations.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)
V. Station: Simon of Cyrene
solidarity - that is for the people not the Ruhr foreign word! Responsibility for each other and responsibility before God is definitely still lived and proven reality.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)
VI: Station: Veronica holds the cloth
We do not have to do the extraordinary, but we need to do the ordinary extraordinary.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 1983)
Station VII: Second case
involuntary unemployment becomes a social scandal when the available work not shared equitably and the result of work not used to this, to create new work for most everyone.
(Pope John Paul II, May 2, 1987 - Prosper - Haniel)
Eighth Station: Mourning Women
(The table is painted over with white paint)
IX.. Station: Third case
technical progress and restructuring should not be done on the backs of the people.
is not man for the economy because the economy is there for people.
(Bishop Franz Hengsbach, 1987)
X. Station: robbery of clothes
Man is worth more because of what he is than by what he has.
(Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, 1965 - The church - in the world today
XI Station. Nailing
Our faith is strong, the hope great and hopefully the love so burning hot that it can move mountains
(Gottfried Könzgen, working secretary, victims of the Nazis)
XII station.. crucifixion
Who looks up to the cross, in his suffering, in his need, not alone in his fears. Who looks up to this cross may go with his cross to the one who got to know even the cross of life, supported and has endured.
(Bishop Hubert Luthe, in the construction of the Cross 1992)
XIII. Station: Lamentation
The only thing I can do in my life for my family, nor is the loyalty in the daily things
(a mother in our time)
XIV Station: Entombment
By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered
we confidently expect, come what may.
God is with us in the evening and the morning
and certainly with each new day.
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian evgl., victims of the Nazis)
By the cross we walk the path together. From there it is free to go to the last two stations "with Jesus" or not. We are all deeply impressed more - until the end
After a break of fifteen minutes we make our way back. The big rain is short after leaving one.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Portable Dvd Player Adjustable Straps
Palm Sunday on March 16, 2008
The Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, also known as Holy Week. Until Easter we celebrate the most important events of the whole history of salvation:
- the entry into Jerusalem
- the sacrament
- the capture of
- the conviction
- the crucifixion
- the resurrection
The Palm ordained this year in the church. It rains and storms. The Passion play, as in previous years, children from the community. For special excitement in the little ones were the "entry of Jesus" on a real donkey. The following is a colorful and lively worship.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Milena Velba - Miosotis
On Tuesday, 11 March 2008, at 19.30 clock in the church of a youth - rather late shift. It is prepared from the ladder round the altar boy and has the theme "Wait and see.". For this purpose, especially the Firm leavers and Confirmations are invited. Despite find quite a few of the bad weather the way to church. That's nice for those responsible, for they have been working very hard. The rouse the evening was worth it.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Petitte North Face Coats
The second morning shift was prepared by the same group.
on the topic Desert follows-the-water issue.
before the altar, a river landscape is built, surrounded by bowls of water. Before head are two pictures of underwater landscapes. Impressive to see the "Rose of Jericho" is. Nestled in a sandy landscape, she has awakened to new life. After a week in water has been located, from the withered plant a "succulent" plant, which runs from the inside green. The water has accomplished a small miracle.

The morning shift is very busy. There are no little Confirmations. The group has made a lot of effort to bring us close to the subject. Everyone gets a cup filled with water. So we can see and feel it and taste it. Even we can hear the water. A softly plucked guitar playing gives the impression of a babbling brook. We light candles at the Jesus candle and put it in the bowl. Everyone is very quiet and andächtig.Zum final the girl group sings the song "Lemon Tree". Great!
The texts and songs of the early shift
song: Where two or three in my name ...
water essential to life some refreshing signs of life - important
- tonic - cooling priceless.
Sign of the Cross:
Today we have taken here this morning to finish the day under God's protection. It invites us to leave the desert of our lives and make us looking for the fountain of living water. Let's start the morning shift so in the name of the Father ...
meditation: water, water - symbol of life
A lake, the ocean, a pond, a river, a fountain, a source water
we encounter daily. Animals, plants and humans need it. Close your eyes now. Imagine you are on a meadow. There we see a clear stream as it winds through the meadow. The sun is already burning all day from the sky. It is scalding hot. It feels good, now take off your shoes and walk with their feet by the stream. It is refreshing to feel the water. Our hands want to touch the water. Somewhere there is a source that gives us the precious liquid. So refreshed, I am going on the lawn and thinking about water by: water causes that life germinates, the desert blooms, the disease heals. Purified water quenches the thirst that drives the turbines at the power plants. Yes, our body is composed mostly of water. Water is one of the most important resources of the earth. First, God created the water. It is life-giving element. Water comes from the earth and often an invisible source. Jesus Christ will also be as a refreshing, invigorating source for us. In baptism we have become the water of life Christians. We open our eyes and come here again. We look to the established landscape before us.
action: drinking water
We invite you now to moisten your lips with the water. Feel how good it feels to feel the fresh water on our lips. Now we take a small sip and play with it in our mouth. Here too, the water feels good. The next sip, we can now walk down our esophagus and look forward to how well does such a drink of water. It gives us new strength and keeps us alive. We now hear a story that tells what water could.
story: bring life
Every day the women go down to the river from the village. In large earthenware jars, they fetch water, because the village has no source. One morning a woman looks dreamily behind a butterfly. She stumbles and the pitcher will be damaged. A second pitcher she has not, no money for a new, and they wrapped the jar with their makeshift cloth. But the water drips out of the break. When she arrives in the village, half of the water is gone. "Oh," she laments, "what a misfortune! Why I was just so careless! All others bring more water to go home! My mother is right. I'm really good for nothing "This went on for a while. Whenever the women fetched water, they got half way. But one morning when the women go back to the river, the road flanked by green grass and lots of small colorful flowers that glow in all colors. Since women are laughing and saying: "These were the Water droplets. They took the dusty road to bloom "(author unknown)
song. When you sing, not sing alone ...
In the Gospel according to John we read ...
once said Jesus, and he says it now to us, "Whoever drinks the water of a fountain will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I shall give him will never have more thirst. . Rather, the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life, "said the woman at the well, had spoken to Jesus," Lord, then give me this water so that I may not be thirsty longer have it. " Jn 4, 13-15a
To speak we, "Lord, give us your living water!" Since the baptism it flows into us. Jesus would like it always flows from our inner well.
text: Source
God experience God at the well of my life as the one who looks after me in the deserts of my life.
experience God as the source of living water, which gives me a new future.
experience God as the one who captures the chaos flooding out of my life that leads me from all confusion to clarity and force by the power of his mind.
experience God as a fountain of me that knows the number of water from which I only seem to quench my thirst.
God's Spirit within us is the source. The way is clear to this fountain of life. He has over me. He saves me from dying of thirst because he wants me to live.
Action: light candles
We will now all be quiet for a moment and think about where and for whom we can now become a source of living water.
at the Jesus candle we want to ignite our candles and light up to the river, which is illustrated here. If we bring our lives to God. Let people and situations from our life here with him from. It may all change a spring. We want to do all in silence and think of the people for whom we pray.
song: Falls into the water a stone ...
Good God, give all the people who have given up the courage long ago, new hope for life. Open their eyes so they can search for the source in their lives that gives them new strength.
Most people who have problems to solve them. Help the patient to overcome her illness and give them courage.
Good God, please grant that will find all the people who are disabled, their water source and generate a new hope.
Lord, please help those who are disturbed and no longer see himself, to cleanse their soul and see its interior clearly.
Good God, let the people who have not yet found the source, they are not blind to the world of running, looking after her.
Lord, many people are looking for a fertile source for life: wealth, prestige, possessions, recognition, prosperity, ... In the material world but we will not find the treasure. Anyone who has seen the will witness an eternal life. You also let those who are blind to their personal, inner source, discover this. (Author: Confirmations)
Our Father
song: The case of Jesus needs enthusiasts
text: The parable of the water
serve with water at a time.
Lord, I want to be like Water that moves in the rivers flowing through the forest, the fields fertilized, all life brings.
Lord, I want to be like the water that washes away all dirt and every person is a new hope, salvation and resurrection investigated.
Lord, I want to be like the water with the many boats, with the people and their loads in order to facilitate the journey through life.
Lord, I want to be like the water that brings together our families, united the hearts of men, that we share joy and sorrow.
Lord, I want to be like the water that follows the direction that God directed us to fulfill the contract in the world: to help people more human to be.
Lord, I want to be like the water that is connected to all the seas and teaches us to accept all people as brothers and sisters, as a child of the same father. Amen.
blessing: May the
water you drink, remember, that your soul is thirsty. God's grace falls like a drop down on you fulfill, Jesus's grace be upon you, the grace of the Holy Spirit up every day and every night, on your life to the eternal goal. (Irish blessing)
The grant you the triune God, the Father ...
song CD + girl group sing the song: Lemon tree ...

Friday, March 7, 2008
Why Do Dogs Hate Lemons
On Friday, 03/07/2008 by our 4th Meetings. The theme of the unit group is:
praying, "I think ..."
We are dealing with "the prayer" and the Apostles' Creed.
There are different forms of prayer:
- Meditation
- vocals
- Dance
free prayer - personal prayer
- prayers in the community choose
etc. We, as in the preceding hours, the form of meditation. With soft music, we hear the following text.
Here I am. I have let Zeit.Ich the room where I am, to see the Einrichtungsgegenstände.Mir wirken.Ich me realize what I hear birdsong, human voices, music, engine noise coming ... My thoughts and let gehen.Jeden thoughts I pull back. Gradually, I'll come ruhig.Mein breath and goes. With every breath I try loszulassen.Ich let go, what concerns me. I let go of what I will belastet.Allmählich it still in me. The result is a space in this Stille.Platz for God?
When I pray, I will still experienced before those Gott.Vieles I have in the past few hours and have something worked out Tagen.Ich and I am pleased darüber.Andere people were important. And there is some wrong gegangen.Andere I have called into question. I myself have any doubt about mir.All I lay before you. So as I am, I am not dir.Ich before me must be adjusted. I may be the way I see bin.Ich how something is done before you. It changes some things before dir.Wichtige be less important. Other gains Bedeutung.Ich change me. I am well ahead of you.
After several minutes of rest, reading one of us is a "pulse-prayer.
"O God, I've always wanted to talk to you, I would pray, in your own words, in the words of others, praying in a formula, reciting prayers. I wanted to accomplish something before you, for I have no patience to hear, so long, and you often need a long o, are you up in utter me, are you arrive with your Stimme.Vielleicht it is because I was so far away and I'm so caught up in my everyday life. Until he leaves room for you, it takes a long time and I do not have the patience.
O God, I lack the patience aufzutun me. But every so often you have surprised me. I was just there and did not want to talk. And I was open-it open. I was just there and you were also there, and I did nothing, absolutely nothing, I just waited. Since I learned how beautiful it is when you experience it as bist.Ich had not before, as long as I did not understand what prayer is ist.Beten not only produce many words and many Gedanken.Beten is also silent BE THERE . And prayer is to allow, loved to hear is werden.Beten and feel that you are near, O God.
We can contribute this text. In the silence fall three points.
is praying:
- Contact search
- get
connection - relationship record
And what is to pray for me?
stands on a board or part thereof of the sentence - "Pray for me is like ..." Everyone gets five small pieces of paper on which he completes the sentence beginnings. This is put on the poster. Silently, we all take note.
is praying:
- ask
thanks - hope
- Search
trust - believe
- love
be quiet - draw strength
- security and confidence
prayer is an indescribable experience.
we can pray anywhere, whether standing, kneeling or sitting. It does not matter whether it opens or folds his hands, arms aloft, crossed in front of the body, or whether they bowed to the ground. The main thing is it does devout and with conviction.
We know a lot of prayer types:
- the morning prayer
- the grace
- the evening prayer
- the invocation
- thanks, etc. Everyone knows
to other versions. We often formulate personal prayers. Three prayers we pray, but all the same:
- the "Our Father"
- The "Hail Mary"
- the "Apostles' Creed"
We pray this prayer with reason since our childhood and now they can memorize. In the Creed we sometimes come to a halt and have to look it up in praise of God - p. 20, No. 2, the 5th Prayer. There it is in abbreviated form. The Great Creed is on page 377, No. 356th This detailed form is difficult to memorize.
through formulations of creeds try the faith of Jesus in its essential content in a short or memorable form and at the same time as precisely as possible in a manner to represent, you may remember, and remember to share with other people.
the Nicene Creed
The Apostles' Creed
The religious basis of the Evangelical Alliance
Source: www.narjesus.de / Confessions
Its development was necessary, came up as a heresy and non-Christian worldviews and just recognized Christian Church Threatened . This however had to make urgent expenses and clarify misinterpretations and misunderstandings. She tried including through formulated creeds.
The Apostles' Creed is the oldest profession of Christianity, which can be traced back to the New Testament. It was in its final form, probably in the 5th Century N. BC
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended into the realm of death, on the third day he rose from the dead , ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church (Evangelical: the holy Christian church), communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and eternal life.
We read the Creed. Then, each image as it is and tries to explain this.
We are all important to show that God is the Almighty Father who loves us, is always there for us and where we find eternal life.
The statements of the Creed we have until now not been questioned, not even the conception by the Holy Spirit and the virgin birth. The commitment is not for nothing creed and not a religious statement Wissensbekenntnis.Lediglich bother us, - "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" - the institution itself and its secular representatives are not always credible to us.
As a comparison, we read the New Apostolic
first Articles of Faith: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
second Articles of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, entered the realm of the departed, risen from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come again.
third Articles of Faith: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Apostolic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.
4th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus, his church through living apostles until his return, he sent his apostles and still sends them with the mission to teach, to forgive sins in His name and with water and the Holy Spirit . baptize
5th Articles of Faith: I believe that all elected offices in the Church of Christ only by apostles and her office is entered and that the apostles of Christ must show all the gifts and powers, so that, equipped with them, the community becomes a legible letter of Christ.
6th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Holy Baptism with water is a part of the rebirth of the person being baptized and thereby acquired the reversion to receive the Holy Spirit. She is also the answer of a good conscience toward God.
7th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord's Supper in memory of the once brought eternally valid sacrifice and the bitter suffering and death of Christ is the Lord Himself. The worthy enjoyment of the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Christ Jesus our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, must be blessed by a priest of the Church and donated.
8th Articles of Faith: I believe that the need of water baptized by an apostle to obtain the child of God received the Holy Spirit, which they included as members of the body of Christ.
9th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus will come again as surely as he ascended into heaven, and the dead in Christ and the living bridal souls, who hoped for his coming and were prepared for transformed, and continues to be that after the Wedding in the sky with this comes back to earth and establish his kingdom of peace as they with him Kings and priests to rule. After completion of the kingdom of peace, he will hold the Last Judgement when all souls receive that does not have participated in the First Resurrection, their share as they have done, whether good or evil.
10th Articles of Faith: I think I'm the secular authorities obliged to obey, unless contrary to the divine laws.
Source: creeds: New Apostolic Church International
us not speak of this embodiment. It is much more detailed than the us and also known to some, not always easy to understand points, extended.
As a great contrast to both, we finally hear the freely formulated creed a 10th Secondary school class.
I believe in something I've never seen, because everyone believes in something. It has to do with the creation of the world and is now withdrawn. Perhaps I am guilty of believing him, because it also worries me. In the end we will quickly present the bill "for our actions. I think and also believe in Jesus, who advocated peace, it renounced violence and was crucified. It was well meant, had no effect on the misery of the world is nothing, because that people are to blame. I do not believe in the church with her sometimes hypocritical worshipers and their often outdated regulations. I do not believe in the church, which was only is for old people. She told me to offer as a modern man to nothing more. We have learned, which means faith, but to decide whether we wish to believe. If we want it, it does not matter what others say about us. Amen!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Female Genitaila At 7 Weeks Old
early shift on March 1, 2008 8:00 clock
The morning shift has been prepared by some of Confirmations. It takes place in the church and ends with a good breakfast in the parish hall. The word worship is well attended. More than half Confirmations of all made their way to the early church, and - will not be disappointed!
The theme is - desert -
before the altar of sand a desert landscape is designed, framed of burning candles. In the foreground is in a bowl the "Rose of Jericho".
After Pastor Kramer has welcomed all, begins the "dream trip" to the desert. Back from the trip taken, we start with the action. Every now writes a word with an adhesive s
a special desert on a sheet of paper, puts it in the desert landscape and submit it to the edge. Quiet guitar music and stunning desert images accompany the action. We are all very quiet and thoughtful.
tuned so we also follow the rest of the morning shift.
Below are listed the lyrics and songs.
song: Search No. 244 and ask 1 +3
Sign of the Cross: Today, we have m
Orgen met here in the church
priest to start this day with God's power and help.
Let us therefore sign of the cross, the
distinctive mark of Christians. For the
father ...
dream trip:
This morning we make another trip of a lifetime,
a trip to the desert.
We close our eyes
and try to be very still.
In our desert silence.
The desert is wide and big.
It is lonely.
Everywhere is just sand:
Do you feel the sand as he is around you.
Often the wind is driving up the sand, before him,
it piles up into hills.
Like the waves in the sea, so the sand.
who fall in a sand
only an arduous walking is possible.
The wind blows one of the sand in the face.
You need to squint your eyes.
Even between the teeth of the sand crunching already.
Do you feel this ...?
the wind howls and tears at the head covering.
The sky above is cloudless
and the sun burns from the sky.
It is very hot.
The skin seems to burn.
brewing, debilitating heat, drought.
thirst shows.
Chapped, dry lips.
Now a sip of water that would be good.
Like mirages we see pictures from our
important events in our lives,
which appear to us as "wilderness experience".
What is "desert" in my life - what is / where my
large, seemingly insurmountable problems?
dispute in the family?
boredom, monotony?
failure, poor grades in school?
Broken friendships?
Slowly we come back in this space and
us look at the here-designed desert.
song: through the darkness through No. 54 1-3
or one has infected us ... No. 60 1 +5
Gospel Lk 4, 1-8
The Desert - survive a place where it's hard.
the desert - a place where everything requires water to survive
we hear about Jesus. As he writes in the desert on the
sample was found.
In Luke's Gospel states:
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus went away from Jordan.
forty days he was driven about by the Spirit into the desert
and the devil put to the test.
The whole time he ate nothing, so he
was hungry after all. Then the devil said to him:
"If you are the Son of God, then enjoin the stone
! Here that he is to bread "Jesus answered
" is in the scriptures: `Man does not live
by bread '!". Then the devil took him up and
showed him at a glance all the kingdoms of the world and
said: "I will give you power over all these kingdoms in
their size and splendor. It has been entrusted to me
, and I can pass it, to whom I want. .
All shall be yours when you fall down in front of me
and worship me "
But Jesus said," In the Scriptures we read:
`The Lord, thy God, throw you down, it shall
worship you and nobody else `"
song: One day a ... No. 61 1 +2 +6
intercessions: The desert is a metaphor for our lives.
For each there is a other desert.
We are looking for our desert is not enough.
Sometimes the desert around us, if we are excluded. Sometimes it is in us if we do not come to rest. We now want to bring our desert situations before God to help us in life.
Lord, help the lonely out of their desert. Help the sick to come
from the desert of pain.
Help those who have to struggle through a lot to do in the desert oases saving and necessary to create.
Lord, let the lonely souls again.
be because in the desert they just lonely and retreat to more and more. Give them a chance, even as we feel love and to feel secure.
Good God in the world there are a lot of strife and war. We ask you to help us settle the disputes and wars and establish peace.
Everyone has their own wilderness, and each has its own weaknesses and problems. Most people who are not so clear to overcome them and to face life. Help them to see their desert oasis and give them hope and strength.
Let us now together all our petitions in the prayer that Jesus taught us. Our Father ...
Text: If I am hungry, I eat.
If it is quiet, I make noise.
When it gets loud, I fly. I
to swim with everyone.
I have everything and yet nothing
Who am I when I'm like everybody?
Have I me?
love for me?
Do I want what I am day in, day out doing really doing?
Or I do it because it all make?
If it were not that
make up me, myself
to have to live
the way I want it to do
that to which I have a mind
and not what all desire?
So what if nobody is there to show me the way?
No one tells me what to do.
When I'm alone?
What should I do?
During Lent -
swim against the current 40 days only?
I start thinking -
about my life,
about everything I do.
Perhaps I find myself,
myself in the desert,
not the image
the mask that I sit up day in, day out.
No, my own ego.
The desert is not just sand, but we find if we know
us there, oases. So we can also come out of a strengthened
desert experience. We now hear a story that will give us
even a small note on the topic of the next
morning shift, which we invite all very much.
story: was once an oasis by a sinister man, he was so angry that he could not look healthy and beautiful, without destroying it.
stood on the edge of the oasis, a young palm tree in the best growth. The did not like the man. So he took a heavy stone and put it to the young palm tree in the crown. With an evil laugh, the man went away.
The young palm tree shook and tried to throw the stone. In vain. Was stuck to the stone. As the young tree dug deeper into the ground and braced himself against the stone burden. He lowered his roots so deep that they reached the hidden veins of water of the oasis and pushed the stone is so high that the Crown, extend beyond any shadow.
water into the depth and height of the sun made a powerful palm from the young tree.
After years of angry man came again in order to enjoy the crippled tree he destroyed believed. He found him not. As the most powerful Palm
lowered her crown and showed the stone and said: "I must thank you, your burden has made me strong." (Source unknown)
blessing Lord our God, our life often resembles a desert.
We all live in different deserts.
Often we have to admit that we have done many deserts themselves.
In us there are limits, fears, compulsions and guilt. The sand in the gears and the stones on the road of life often prevent us to orient ourselves for you
Bless us and all people who are important to us and let it be a beautiful day. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son ...
song: Sometimes we celebrate the middle of the day ... No 374 1,3,4
At the end of the morning shift, we can observe with amazement how
begins to recover the dried Rose of Jericho and