Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Niccolò Machiavelli:

politician, historian. Philosopher and poet. The career of this man reads like a family history of an important family. But no, Niccolò Machiavelli was born on 3 May 1469 in San Casciano (Italy), brought together all these diverse activities and professions in one person. Through political works, such as "il principe " (the prince), he is not unjustly considered one of the most important political philosophers of modern times. Even as a young Machiavelli became a humanistic basic education, with a small, financed and maintained by the father, Kleinbilbliothek. At the beginning of his professional life he saw as a politician of the Republic of Florence for the first time a sensation. While the exercise of his diplomatic activity, he visited other times the Pope in Rome, which deeply impressed in ever.

For information regarding his works and their origin, I can recommend the following sites:

- C3% BCrst
- http://de.wikipedia. org / wiki / Niccol% C3% B2_Machiavelli


What Does Creuset Mean?

Giovanni Bo ccaccio:
Boccaccio was born in 1313 in Paris (the exact circumstances of birth are still not clarified until today). He comes from a liaison of a Florentine merchant with a French nobleman. Boccaccio grew up in Florence and began a business apprenticeship that took him to Naples in 1330. In 1332 he gave up the merchant profession to devote himself to the study of law. He spent several years at the royal court in Naples and began his literary career. In 1340 he returned to Florence, where he had accepted the office of a judge and notary. Around 1350, his masterpiece, the Decamarone was safely completed already, began a profound Friendship with Francesco Petrarca. Diplomatic missions have taken him to Pope Urban V in 1365 and 1367 in Rome. In 1373 he still held lectures on Dante's "Divine Comedy", then he retired to his estate near Florence, where he died on 12/21/1375.

Boccacios masterpiece has been translated into countless languages and still belongs to the canon of literary history. What is pleased to be popular today, more and more the audio book version is shown here.


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Andreas Vesalius:

became the son of emigrants Vesalius in medical incredible fame and recognition. He was one of the first doctors who dissected cadavers to the mystery of the human physique to vent. His career was exemplary. From his father (a pharmacist body) was born literally in the medicine in, he began in 1530 at the Catholic University of Leuven (na clear as it could be different) to study medicine. Under the guidance of his mentors, John Gunther and Jacques Dubois, both teachers at the local university, he learned the basics of the pharmaceutical & medical anatomy and soon began to lead to his teacher by sections. wrote

After some study and practical experience he, in less than 4 years a manifesto of modern medicine, a milestone in medical history. The 639-page masterpiece, "De humani corporis fabrica " (About the structure of the human body) laid the foundation stone for the admiration which Vesalius enjoys today in much of the medicine.

This image shows Vesalius in a section of a human body, which met in many kirlichen and social circles to resentment and contempt.

For more information and deeper I can recommend you the following addresses:



Notice Telescope Edu Science


Welcome to the very first edition of my historian's blog.
In this blog I will give you at irregular intervals, the history of science as a short and concise. My goal is to maintain always an independent and critical attitude to the truth we are as close to the track.

deal in the next three editions of my blog we are three persons, who co-founded the humanism and the Renaissance and still have a not unimportant influence in our Gesselschaft ...
The 3 groups of Scientists behind which hide the simple people from the following core areas:

Medicine - Andreas Vesalius

literature - Giovanni Boccaccio

policy / political theory - Niccol ò Machiavelli

With many colleagues was referred to the 3 people, which is still often viewed as a life goal:

They changed the world!

How and by what they succeeded, you will receive in the next issue to see.