Thursday, April 23, 2009

Notice Telescope Edu Science


Welcome to the very first edition of my historian's blog.
In this blog I will give you at irregular intervals, the history of science as a short and concise. My goal is to maintain always an independent and critical attitude to the truth we are as close to the track.

deal in the next three editions of my blog we are three persons, who co-founded the humanism and the Renaissance and still have a not unimportant influence in our Gesselschaft ...
The 3 groups of Scientists behind which hide the simple people from the following core areas:

Medicine - Andreas Vesalius

literature - Giovanni Boccaccio

policy / political theory - Niccol ò Machiavelli

With many colleagues was referred to the 3 people, which is still often viewed as a life goal:

They changed the world!

How and by what they succeeded, you will receive in the next issue to see.



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