Giovanni Bo ccaccio:
Boccaccio was born in 1313 in Paris (the exact circumstances of birth are still not clarified until today). He comes from a liaison of a Florentine merchant with a French nobleman. Boccaccio grew up in Florence and began a business apprenticeship that took him to Naples in 1330. In 1332 he gave up the merchant profession to devote himself to the study of law. He spent several years at the royal court in Naples and began his literary career. In 1340 he returned to Florence, where he had accepted the office of a judge and notary. Around 1350, his masterpiece, the Decamarone was safely completed already, began a profound Friendship with Francesco Petrarca. Diplomatic missions have taken him to Pope Urban V in 1365 and 1367 in Rome. In 1373 he still held lectures on Dante's "Divine Comedy", then he retired to his estate near Florence, where he died on 12/21/1375.
Boccacios masterpiece has been translated into countless languages and still belongs to the canon of literary history. What is pleased to be popular today, more and more the audio book version is shown here.
Boccacios masterpiece has been translated into countless languages and still belongs to the canon of literary history. What is pleased to be popular today, more and more the audio book version is shown here.
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