Andreas Vesalius:
became the son of emigrants Vesalius in medical incredible fame and recognition. He was one of the first doctors who dissected cadavers to the mystery of the human physique to vent. His career was exemplary. From his father (a pharmacist body) was born literally in the medicine in, he began in 1530 at the Catholic University of Leuven (na clear as it could be different) to study medicine. Under the guidance of his mentors, John Gunther and Jacques Dubois, both teachers at the local university, he learned the basics of the pharmaceutical & medical anatomy and soon began to lead to his teacher by sections. wrote
After some study and practical experience he, in less than 4 years a manifesto of modern medicine, a milestone in medical history. The 639-page masterpiece, "De humani corporis fabrica " (About the structure of the human body) laid the foundation stone for the admiration which Vesalius enjoys today in much of the medicine.
This image shows Vesalius in a section of a human body, which met in many kirlichen and social circles to resentment and contempt.
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became the son of emigrants Vesalius in medical incredible fame and recognition. He was one of the first doctors who dissected cadavers to the mystery of the human physique to vent. His career was exemplary. From his father (a pharmacist body) was born literally in the medicine in, he began in 1530 at the Catholic University of Leuven (na clear as it could be different) to study medicine. Under the guidance of his mentors, John Gunther and Jacques Dubois, both teachers at the local university, he learned the basics of the pharmaceutical & medical anatomy and soon began to lead to his teacher by sections. wrote
After some study and practical experience he, in less than 4 years a manifesto of modern medicine, a milestone in medical history. The 639-page masterpiece, "De humani corporis fabrica " (About the structure of the human body) laid the foundation stone for the admiration which Vesalius enjoys today in much of the medicine.

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