Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can You Tape-eze To A Dog Without Tapeworms

Friday 21 May

is Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory!

Isaiah 6:3 The Lord our God, the Almighty, has received the kingdom! Let us be glad and rejoice, and give him glory. Revelation 19.6-7

What is sacred to us?

solution and teaching text of this day are well understood only in the internal religious area - or even there anymore? It is the absolutist language of bygone kingdoms. Good for this language yet in our time? No, I do not believe in an omnipotent ruler, the rich man occupies. I need another religious language, a new song. What remains is the question of what is sacred to us? And what we should be holy, so that life is possible on this earth so that we can live and the other with us? We are holy things that make us dependent and destroy life or make no sense? Or us is life itself sacred, human dignity and all creation? We respect the boundaries that we are set to succeed in life and succeed in life can for those who come after us? For these and similar questions should be our faith as a guide.
this sense, we should definitely stick to our slogan and the teaching text, for if God, the Creator of all life is sacred, then nothing can be sacred to us, which destroys that life. And where God is the dominant force, all human power and Herrschaftsanprüche come to its limit. In fact, we must look forward and be merry.


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