27 May 2010
I will not die, but live and proclaim the Lord works.
Psalm 118.17
I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me.
Galatians 2:20
No one is self-sufficient
Actually it's an outrageous sentence because Paul writes: ". I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:" For him it is the center of the realignment of its identity and the reason for his freedom. He wanted to meet with particular enthusiasm the commandments of God, know now that it just with the zeal with his ideal of perfection remained closed end in itself and could only fail. Only when he was able to solve it, and open, his life got a new direction. His findings: In all my limitations and imperfections, I can always trust that someone else happens to me and the fragments of my life all the power. This allows composure and gives peace of mind. Because the center of my life is not always my most imperfect identity, but Christ who wants to reconcile myself with myself, with God and with life.
Beyond self-sacrifice and self-realization emerges here of the possibility of a life that allows self-realization in letting go of identity constraints because we may be simple and not have to make something out of us, because we find ourselves only when we go away from us and the call of the other - hear - God and fellow human beings. I'm not self-sufficient, even though I am still so very easy - this insight of Paul can open our lives to make us freer and more relaxed.
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