Saturday 22 May 2010
But if one is able to endure the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears?
Malachi 3.2
We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 2.1
The end of fear
threatening acts our today's solution. As well, that we do the teaching text of the 1st John Letters have. Because we have an advocate with the Father, we need have no fear. We are free from the constant pressure enough to have to - God and man. Who produces religious fears, people who is morally or emotionally under pressure, not acting in the spirit of Christ. We do not have to constantly walk around with a bad conscience because we do not meet our own standards or those of our fellow men or God's standards. "Sin bravely" Luther has put in his time. This is not a moral indifference is meant, but the confidence that I know where I am at the good that I recognized I can try to accept my weaknesses and mistakes, my failures, because I assumed white, as I am. Ideal of perfection to ruin people. It is sufficient to seek the good. The rest is grace, the serenity acts.
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