Saturday 29 May 2010
I will put my spirit in you and want such people from make you to walk in my statutes and keep My judgments and do them.
Ezekiel 36.27
God's love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us.
Romans 5:5
peace with God
we take it to even the most important in our lives would not be our prosperity, not our position in society or our Reputation, not our job or our wisdom, not even our family or health. Let us assume that the most important and decisive in all our lives would be our relationship with God. And then God would tell us to peace. He would tell us: no matter how you are, no matter what happens to you, no matter what else may come - I say yes to you. Because nothing can change that. I stand by you - always and forever. I will not promise that you succeed in everything that you need never fear that you are left with worries and setbacks spared. But I promise that I will be always and under all circumstances to you. That is what exactly in that section to the Today's text is part of the teaching. Suppose that were true. How would this affect our lives? What would change for us?
We would have less afraid not to comply. For it is enough if we do ours, what we can. What more can anyone ask of us. That's enough. We do not have to measure in any scales, which give us call. And just when we are free of this fear, we can always grow out through us. Fear also can miss something then we lose. Because life is so not only good and precious, so if I let pass any opportunity, nothing miss, but am mindful of what I encounter, for the people and the everyday things in my life. All this is valuable in that I note and give him value and appreciation. Not what you think is valuable and precious, gives my life meaning and fulfillment, but only that of which I will fulfill me. And to be careful and look forward to the everyday things of life, it needs an inner peace and serenity that we could ever have, if we can believe that we have peace with God and us do not earn it first.
If this Yes God, this declaration of peace would be the decisive factor in our lives, then it would also not so very important what others think about us, we would not be so concerned with our image. How much more moral courage, how much more creativity and diversity, we could allow ourselves if we would not make quite as much from those of others depend - and often only by the presumed opinion of others.
can Yes, even with the failure of professional challenges, or in relationships, we then learn to live without despair, when we trust that nothing and no one has the last word on us except God - and who says yes to us unconditionally. And yet, in sickness and death, we may then believe that a helping hand to us and keeps us passes. Should we not expect anything from this life, because we must believe that at the end of the peace of God awaits us.
Take the time to. What is life if we look at it on that condition, that the decisive factor in our lives, our relationship with God and the unconditional 'yes' to us. Is not it a welcoming, a liberating perspective? If we can make it as our own? Whether we want to make it as our own? Such trust could in any case become a calming influence in our lives, give us peace of mind and inner peace. And this inner peace, inner peace that I wish all of us. That such composure not simply because for all, is it also knows Paul. He is aware of the distress to the threat to our certainty of faith. We are not free from our fears of life. We are not simply about things. But he is convinced that tribulation teaches us the necessary endurance. And if we are patient and persistent in our trust in God's Yes to hold his peace, then let us arises from a strong hope. And this hope will not disappoint us.
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