Wednesday 12 May 2010
Would to God that all the people of the MR prophets would come and the Lord's Spirit upon them could!
4.Mose 11.29
As we have many members in one body, but not all members of the same task, so we who are many are one body in Christ, but to each other is one of the other member.
Romans 12:4-5
The image of a body and the number of joints is a wonderful image for the Christian community. That each and every one of his own place and his own task and there is room for different gifts and talents that you can not emphasize enough, and repeat. Diversity is richness and members of the body are interdependent. The image is so strong and so obvious that it even does not need a big explanation. But it also has a risk. Because in the body, each member of his particular place and its particular task. There is order. Is this true for the body of Christ?
The daily solution from the 4th Genesis is preceded by an episode where the two men - moved by the Spirit of God - behave like prophets. Joshua therefore calls on Moses to curb them and re-establishing order. But Moses rejects him with the words of today's solution. Nor should we allow more holy mess sometimes and remember that the work of the Spirit is alive and not first order?
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