Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vezon Kardas Instructions

Saturday 15 May 2010

It is the Lord: let him do what he hath pleased.
1 Samuel 3.18

This is the will of my Father, that he who the son sees and believes in him may have eternal life. John

to hear God

It is a story of injustice, courage and insight, comes from our today's solution. There is Eli, the priest grown old and there are his sons, who are tearing the meat sacrificed in the temple under the nail. Eli is too weak to the injustice of his sons something to oppose. And there is the young Samuel, who is Eli. One night he hears a voice calling him. He believes Eli's voice. But send him back three times. The voice tells Samuel that the days of Eli the house are numbered. He has obviously scared, but when Eli asks him conceal he had nothing. And Eli? He is not angry about Samuel, because it is the wrong call by name. He proposes not to the messenger, even if this is just his young servant, but the message to heart. "He is the Lord, he will do what is right in his eyes is" his answer is in the new Zurich translation.
is in the context of the story to me two things are important. First, the courage and the backbone of the young Samuel. He does not choose the tactical silence or clever excuse. He has the courage to speak against Eli, what has told him the night vote - without knowing the consequences, he provoked it. And the other is the insight of Eli. He may be too weak to halt his sons stop. But he is not looking for excuses. He respects the fact that his priestly power is a limit and he takes responsibility. Therefore, his words are less an expression of pious resignation to fate as respect for the responsibility for his actions and those in power, which limits all human power. Injustice and abuse of power there will always be. But it needs people who have the courage to call a spade and against the injustice to occur and the bearers of power - from the little ones in the family to economics and politics - must be aware of their limits and remain responsive to their responsibilities.
Jesus lived this upright model and encourages us to walk upright and to assume responsibility. "This is my Father's will that whoever sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life." He who is in this confidence in the upright, whose life endures.


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